Thursday, August 20, 2009

How Many Points In Vegetable Stir Fry

Subjective and objective scope of the Accounting Act


Act defines the accounting rules and

mode audit by the auditors.

Personal Scope

Under the provision of Art. 2, para. 1 of the accounting provisions of the Act, shall apply, subject to par. 3, having established or place of management on Polish territory :

1) Commercial (partnerships and companies, including those in the organization) and civil partnerships, subject to paragraph 2, as well as other legal persons , with the exception of the Treasury and the Polish National Bank,

2) individuals, civil partnerships individuals, partnerships individuals and companies partner, if their net income from the sale of goods, products and financial operations for the previous financial year amounted to at least the Polish zloty equivalent of EUR 800,000 ,

3) entities operating under the Banking Law, the regulations on trading in securities, investment funds legislation, regulations on business insurance or the organization and operation of pension funds, regardless of the amount of revenue,

4) municipalities, counties , provinces and their associations and state, municipal , district and provincial :

a) budgetary units,

b) ancillary enterprises of budgetary units,

c) budgetary establishments,

d) non-appropriated funds personality legal

5) entities without legal personality, except those referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2,

6) foreign legal entities, foreign entities unincorporated and foreign individuals , leading to the Polish territory the activity in person, by an authorized person, with the help of employees - in relation to activities conducted within the territory Polish Republic, regardless of the amount of revenue,

units listed in paragraph 1-6 when they get to carry out the tasks assigned to grants or subsidies from the state budget, budgets of local governments or special purpose funds - from the beginning of the year in which grants or subsidies were granted.

Individuals, partnerships of individuals, partnerships of individuals and partnerships may used
accounting principles specified by the Act from the very beginning of next year, if their net income from the sale of goods, products and financial operations for the previous financial year are lower than the equivalent in Polish currency EUR 800,000. In this case, those persons or shareholders before the start of the year are obliged to notify the tax office competent in matters
income tax (Article 2. 2 of the Act).

The euro size referred to in Article. Two paragraphs. 1 item 2 and paragraph. 2, translated into the Polish currency at the average rate set by the Polish National Bank, on 30 September in the year preceding the fiscal year (Article 3. 3 of the Act).

Entities that prepare financial statements in accordance with International Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards and related interpretations published in the form of European Commission ("IAS"), shall apply the provisions of the Act and regulations issued thereunder to the extent not by IAS (Article 2. 3).

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