Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Wife Has Me In A Girdle

For we are the best in the world! Happy

Oh, I was here yesterday to get back with my pride, but somehow did not make it ... Well, today I'll show you something that dłuugo sat. This is an album for my mom, who will give to her in the upcoming Mother's Day. I wanted it to fine-tune, refine ... - Unfortunately, it is rather decorated average, since in the thesis writing, I could only do it at night ... Time, half an hour several times a week and eventually these few pages I did almost 2 months: P But for now this is probably the best of my albums and I hope my mom will like it:) Oh, and you too! ;)

album has dimensions of 20cm x 25cm:) originally was supposed to be smart and fairly uniform (eg, two-color), but I found that such a crazy mix of patterns, colors and additives give better nature photographs, and my relationship with my mother;)))

A Here you can see the thickness of the album, and the degree of ravelling banks (mainly cover: P):

whole album is a mix of securities from shops: ILS , Photo Paper , Lemonade , na okładce kawałek papieru UHK owego ;)
Pozostałe materiały:
- ze : papierowe kwiatki, zielone i niebieskie krople akrylowe, crackle accents (na kluczu), kółka do spięcia albumu, stempel Monarch duży, czarny, fioletowy i jasnobrązowy tusz Latarnia Morska, duże kryształowe ćwieki z kwiatków na okładce;
- z Magdowa : materiałowe kwiatki, żółte i pomarańczowe krople akrylowe, niektóre guziki, wstążeczki;
- z Lemonade : stemple z napisami;
- z ArtPasji : stempel kwiat, dziurkacz listkowy MS;
- with Scrapińca : cardboard subtitles, key
Whew, probably enough;)


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